Based on the scientific roadmap, which is based on high-level documents, the Scientific Association of the Constitutional Law of Iran seeks to expand, expand and deepen the idea of constitutional law, new horizons in education, research and establishing international scientific relations with other associations. Provided similar in the world. “Read more …”
Our Mission
Creating the necessary conditions for the development and scientific advancement of constitutional rights in Iran in the country with the aim of trying to establish communication between the ideas and thinkers of universities and relevant bodies and improve the methods of action of public institutions based on public law teachings in general and constitutional rights in particular and use One of the latest achievements and scientific findings in increasing the country’s capacity to ensure the achievement of the goals of constitutional law knowledge.
Our Services
Latest scientific articles and writings
All articles in the field of constitutional law and related topicsIndigenous Peoples’ Rights and the “Common Good”
The National Security Law
The Latest from Ius Publicum Network Review
What’s New in Public Law
Comments of community members
Know some of the opinions of association members and professors ...The articles presented in this site have been very helpful to me and have helped me a lot in my studies.
Membership in this association has been effective for many aspects of my working conditions and has had a very, very beneficial effect on the promotion of my job and work position.
With the help of the association, we were able to hold a big conference at the university last year and help a lot to raise the legal level of students.
Membership in the association and benefiting from what it has learned has helped a lot in providing counseling to families, especially dear women.
With the help of the association, we were able to create a very strong scientific association at Shahid Beheshti University and establish many activities at the university.
In the past years, the Law Scientific Association, and especially Dr. Gorji Aziz, as the president of this association, has had a very good cooperation with the municipal organization.
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